
Pooneh Oshidari

Iran, Tehran

Pooneh Oshidari (born 1984 in Tehran, Iran) received her BFA in Graphic Design in 2006 and her MFA in Illustration in 2010 from the Tehran University of Art. Oshidari focuses primarily on painting, drawing, and printmaking, but also experiments with organic materials such as earth, water, and plants, as well as time-based media. Time as a theme and approach also influences her paintings and drawings. She draws on ancient Persian myths and connects them to contemporary issues, such as the destruction of nature, as well as themes that concern women, motherhood, and herself. Oshidari has had twelve solo exhibitions in Tehran, Paris, Los Angeles, and Kuwait, and has participated in more than ninety group exhibitions, festivals, art residencies, and art fairs in Iran and around the world. Oshidari is represented by Bavan Gallery in Tehran.

