
Exhibition &
Artist Talk

Public Event

A Space of One’s Own
Exhibition Thursday, 21/09/24 – Sunday, 24/09/24, 10:00-20:00 CET
Artist Talk Thursday, 21/09/24, 18:00-20:00 CET
Schwaben-Bräu Passage, Bad Cannstatt, Stuttgart, and online at

Arash Hanaei, Bahar Noorizadeh, Pegah Keshmirshekan, Sarvenaz Mostofey, Zohreh Deldadeh

The exhibition and artist talk A Space of One’s Own took place in frame of the festival CURRENT – Art and Public Space in Stuttgart.

Installation view, A Space of One’s Own, September 21-24, 2023, Schwaben Bräu-Passage, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, in frame of the festival CURRENT – Art and Public Space (September 14-24, 2023). Photos: Zohreh Deldadeh.
Installation shot, A Space of One’s Own, September 21-24, 2023, Schwaben Bräu-Passage, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, in frame of the festival CURRENT – Art and Public Space (September 14-24, 2023). Video: Zohreh Deldadeh.

Presenting audiovisual works by Arash Hanaei, Pegah Keshmirshekan, Sarvenaz Mostofey, and Bahar Noorizadeh, A Space of One’s Own aimed to investigate the characteristics of contemporary human spaces. It focused on the critical question of determinism and free will in a set of differing spaces while dealing with the changing meaning of time. How do the expectations and demands of communities as well as individuals in a society transform? In their dialogical works, the artists explore migration and displacement, individual and collective life in urban and suburban environments, public and private spaces, the multiple definitions of home and households, social alienation, and the impact of living spaces on human interactions. A Space of One’s Own was curated by Zohreh Deldadeh.

Zohreh Deldadeh, Arash Hanaei, Pegah Keshmirshekan, and Bahar Noorizadeh were present for the Artist Talk in Stuttgart.

Artist talk A Space of One’s Own with Arash Hanaei, Zohreh Deldadeh, Pegah Keshmirshekan, and Bahar Noorizadeh, September 21, 2023, at Schwaben Bräu-Passage, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, in frame of the festival CURRENT – Art and Public Space (September 14-24, 2023). Photos: Luzie Marquardt.

A Space of One’s Own took place in the frame of the festival CURRENT – Art and Public Space (September 14-24, 2023, Stuttgart).

The exhibition and event took place alongside the release of NOTES #6 on September 14, 2023. NOTES is a regular, multimedia publication by, in which the online exhibition A Space of One’s Own, featuring additional artists and works, is be presented.