
Caroline Heinecke

Germany, Berlin

Caroline Heinecke is a still life photographer currently living and working in Berlin, Germany. Born in 1986 in Nordhausen, Germany she studied visual communication at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Dessau and graduated from the Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie in 2020. Her passion for still life focuses on the construction of extraordinary photographs from ordinary objects. From the careful arrangement of vegetables to the unexpected connection of food preparation and fashion, Heinecke’s style is unique and her images captivating.

About the book:
Of all the motives that move people in their innermost being and make them act, there is hardly one that does not have its origin in collecting. By accumulating and presenting things of the most varied kinds, people gain orientation and not only live out their passion, but also their vanity and their drive for power.
In the carefully curated and brightly coloured still lives of her book “Herr der Dinge (Master of things)” photographer Caroline Heinecke opposes the trend of collecting for capital or personal gain, to focus the attention on collections of supposedly ordinary or useless objects.

Book title: HERR DER DINGE
Photographer: Caroline Heinecke
Publisher: Self Published
22.2 × 32.5 cm, 144 pages
EUR 40.00


Bülowstr. 56
10783 Berlin
Phone: +49 1525 1486669
Herr der Dinge BUCH, Caroline Heinecke
HERR DER DINGE; Caroline Heinecke - Cover